Magnus isdahl
eNVIRONMENT / prop designer
Hi! I'm Magnus! im a Passionate artist from Denmark with a strong passion for making art that looks and feels awesome. I excel at conveying ideas and concepts through various mediums from 2D illustrations, Paintovers and 3D, I'm efficient at producing  variations and ideas on a given concept rapidly, my strongest skills being designing and concepting for Environments and Props for Games / TV.
Ive got a strong grasp on the fundamentals of concept Illustration, as well as several years of experience as a Student 3D Environment Artist, that allow me to create production sheets and Concepts that have 3D artists needs and limitations in mind.
Im Efficient in a multitude of Software, Including:
Photoshop , Zbrush , Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter/Designer, Adobe Illustrator
Thank you!
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